Boy Meets Boy

Spoiler Alert: He fucks up and still gets the boy.
First thing I need to get out of my system: This book is so cute...
Second thing I need to get out of my system: I wish I could find a boy easy like Paul did... Like come on, he had two boys liking him and I'm struggling to get one boy to like me, like dayum boy.
Third: This book is written so good, but this is David Levithan we're talking about here so that was expected.
This book is about a boy named Paul, he used to date this boy named Kyle who wasn't sure about this sexual orientation, so when things started getting serious between them, he decided to end the relationship with Paul and started dating a girl to try prove a point.
Paul was look at books when a gorgeous boy named Noah noticed him, they felt the connection so quick and before you know it, they're dating each other.
Kyle begins to question his ways and wants to have a relationship with Paul and kisses him. This puts Paul and Noah in a hard place. While all this is going Pauls friends are going through some shit as well, like dating idiots that don't give a shit, having parents that are praying the gay to leave which is wrong and many other things.
This book made me laugh at times and also question the parents that think it's okay to say they love their son for who he is but then pray for him because he's gay.
Overall this book is so good! Highly recommend this book.
A Strong 4/5