Lovely Bookworm's Blog

Hi there! My name is Sarah Hopkins, I'm 18 years old and live in New Zealand. I have a huge passion for reading books that belong in the Contemporary and YA genre. I also have my own bookstagram called @/lovely.bookworm that you can follow me on as well!
November 2018
reviewed: Boy Meets Boy
Spoiler Alert: He fucks up and still gets the boy. BOY MEETS BOY REVIEW BY DAVID LEVITHAN REVIEW First thing I need to ge...
Boy Meets Boy - David Levithan
November 2018
reviewed: OMGGGGG
SPOILER ALERT: It's possible to change the dead, tasha you bitchhhhh. I READ THIS BOOK AGES AGO. I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPP...
Last Sacrifice - Richelle Mead
reviewed: AMAZING
HI EVERYONE! Sorry i havent been on lately. I have started studying so I have not be able to write reviews so I'm going to ...
To All the Boys I've Loved Before - JennyHan
read and rated
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June 2018
text: Birthday Wishes
My birthday is soon (by soon I mean in like a month and a bit) I'm already so hyped because I'm going to treat myself to a ne...
text: Reading progress update: I've read 323 out of 479 pages.
Spirit Bound (Vampire Academy, Book 5) - Richelle Mead
reviewed: Caraval by Stephanie Garber
SPOILER ALERT: No one really dies in the game that Scarlett, does my love for her count though? I have finally finished Car...
Caraval - Stephanie Garber
read and rated
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finished reading:
June 2018
text: A little update on my reading experience.
For those that follow, you'll know that I'm currently reading a book called Caraval by Stephanie Garber. Now that I'm near...
Caraval - Stephanie Garber
May 2018
text: Reading Update
I'm currently reading Caraval by Stephanie Garber. This book I normally wouldn't read but because I got it from OwlCrate I fe...
started reading:
May 2018
reviewed: Blood Promise by Richelle Mead.
Spoiler Alert: Rose is super badass. I have just finished Blood Promise by Richelle Mead which is the fourth book in the V...
Blood Promise - Richelle Mead
read and rated
finished reading: